A Mad Book of Truth, the Lonely Song of Savages, and Whoopin’ Fisk

You can find the ever-growing list of “Better Than Nothing” items  over on the right. Read ‘em, like ‘em, share ‘em, and comment. Darkle Fas Wendell let them walk right into the path of the swinging log. Served them right, afterall---always on about him. Always judging. them with their noses high and their ways. If he'd... Continue Reading →

Skinning a Godling, a Guide to Living Forever, the General Takes the Field, I’ve Been Reading a Lot of “Fables”, and Dirty Old Men…

You can find the ever-growing list of “Better Than Nothing” items  over on the right. Read ‘em, like ‘em, share ‘em, and comment. The Cray of the Dead God Teller started the careful process of wrapping the long strap of boaxhide around her midsection. Around, then over, then around, then over--the motions were familiar to her,... Continue Reading →

Showstopper, Still Watching Too Much Daredevil, and Power Is Neither Created Nor Destroyed…

You can find the ever-growing list of “Better Than Nothing” items  over on the right. Read ‘em, like ‘em, share ‘em, and comment. Lament of Naamah As Raxaia took her first step toward the throngs of buzzing, salivating, angry things she could feel the tension in the air behind her. They were out-numbered ten or twelve... Continue Reading →

Perfect Form, The Onslaught, and a Red Right Hand…

You can find the ever-growing list of “Better Than Nothing” items  over on the right. Read ‘em, like ‘em, share ‘em, and comment. Tides of Wile Lyra's form was perfect, each movement written in space and punctuated with certainty. Khyraxsis, dreaded golden wyrm and the Harrower of Brightkeep, was cold and silent with each blow. The... Continue Reading →

Watching Too Much Netflix Recently, There Are Not Enough Cleric and Paladin Wands, and a Ranger/Warlock Combo…

You can find the ever-growing list of “Better Than Nothing” items  over on the right. Read ‘em, like ‘em, share ‘em, and comment. Docker's Shield "Come on, now, Master Vacheck, surely you didn't think I was going to simply let you and your band of petty thieves and murderers just walk into my Daima and sack... Continue Reading →

Furious Nature, Humble Shoes, and Yes I’m Re-Reading That Book Right Now…

You can find the ever-growing list of “Better Than Nothing” items  over on the right. Read ‘em, like ‘em, share ‘em, and comment. Manikanta's Storm Kudu did not like this place. Its ceilings looked like the broad arched cathedrals of the capitol, the glass panes in the grand windows were pristine and showed hints of light... Continue Reading →

Taking Up the Reins, Learning Through Pain, and the Eye of the Storm…

You can find the ever-growing list of “Better Than Nothing” items  over on the right. Read ’em, like ’em, share ’em, and comment.  The third item's story is imagined from a poem I read on someone's blog---really nice. Abin's Course Watching Ferail hop down from his horse, one leg swinging wider than it needed to and... Continue Reading →

Quicker Knives, A Man With No Name, and the Irresistible Arc of Heaven…

You can find the ever-growing list of "Better Than Nothing" items  over on the right. Read 'em, like 'em, share 'em, and comment. Zephyr Spines Rita leaned back against the straw, the wind howling outside made the inside of the old barn almost peacefully quiet by comparison. She'd outlived the Far Wars (robbing the weary refugees... Continue Reading →

Walking the Beat, The Fears of the Brave, and Single-Minded Focus…

You can find the ever-growing list of "Better Than Nothing" items  over on the right. Read 'em, like 'em, share 'em, and comment. The Divider "It looks like they're all grouped together, Marius". Something about the grizzled brawler made Brother Service uncomfortable. Where most of their group seemed to at least pay lip service to the... Continue Reading →

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